Sunday, 19 July 2015

Paynes Seventh Quadrille

Edward Payne was one of the most influential dancing masters of the Regency Era.
He is not to be confused with James Paine of Almacks. Payne seems to have significantly influenced the dancing master and author of numerous dancing manuals, Thomas Wilson.

Edward Payne died at the end of 1818 or the beginning of 1819 before he could see the
success of his dances. Payne was teaching Waltzes in 1815.

Payne's Seventh Set was probably published in 1815. The figures he proposes are:

Le Troubadour

  1. Change sides all 8 and turn hands to the left
  2. Back again and turn hands to the right
  3. The 4 cross over giving the right hands
  4. Back again with the left
  5. Figure to the right and to the sides
  6. The 8 advance and resume your partners
The other 4 dancers do the same

La Pettite Brunette

  1. One Lady advances 8 bars.
  2. The opposite Gentleman, the same
  3. Balancez [sic] & turn your partners
The other 6 Dancers do the same

La Regence

  1. One Gentleman and the opposite Lady figure to the left turn turn hands three round and back again to their place.
  2. The 4 Ladies chain
  3. Change sides 4 and cross over immediately
  4. Change sides again and cross over to your places
  5. Demie Promenade
  6. Demie chaine anglaise
The other 4 Dancers do the same

La Nouvelle Bisson

  1. One Gentleman and his partner with the Lady on his left, advance twice
  2. Hands 3 round to the left
  3. Back again to the right
  4. The tiriors [sic] 4 times
  5. The 4 back to back and half right and left to your places
  6. The 4 back to back and half right and left to your places
The other 6 Dancers do the same

La Pomme d'Or

  1. Hands round all 8
  2. Balancez [sic] to the left and to your partners
  3. Right and left
  4. Change sides 4 and cross over immediately 
  5. Hands 4 half round to your places
To finish hands round all 8

Les Carillions de Dunkirk

  1. Promenade all 8
  2. Change sides and set
  3. Balencez [sic] and turn hands
  4. Three beats with the hands afterwards with the foot
  5. Allemande, change sides again and continue the same figure till you regain your places
To finish, Promenade all 8

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