Sunday 26 July 2015

A dance in celebration of a feat of hydraulic engineering

The suggested figures for Marly Water's Works taken from "The Scholar's Companion - Cotillions and Country Dances – 1796. The scholar’s companion: containing a choice collection of cotillions & country-dances by M.J.C. Fraisier." of 1796.

HALF figure proper with the 2d couple, lead through the bottom and cast up - ''half figure proper with the 3d couple, lead up and cast off one couple, three hands round, double bottom and top, change and continue the round; the 1st. and 2d couple lead. round each other, and conclude with the allemande to your partner once round.

Marly Water's Works refers to the Chateau de Marly, a relatively small residence of Louise XIV near Versailles, and the famous Marly Machine, which pumped water to supply the fountains at Chateau de Marly and Versailles.

The Marly Machine 1724

When the king wanted to relax and spend time with his inner circle, he would move from Versailles to the Marly Gardens, where the nearby Seine supplied the site with water via the mechanism of the Marly Machine.

The Château de Marly 1724

Swalem Rennequin, a carpenter who could neither read nor write, designed the Marly machine. Fourteen paddle wheels drove the 59 suction pumps, propelling water to the top of the Marly Gardens more than 150 metres above the river.

Work on the Marly machine lasted from 1680 to 1685 but cost the royal treasury relatively little. Despite its fragility, it regularly supplied the Marly Gardens with water during the first few years but was neglected in the 1690s. Its power steadily declined until a 1730s renovation, when the water was no longer pumped to Marly but to Versailles.

After the French Revolution, about 1800, the chateau was sold to a private owner. He demolished it in 1806 after his factory there failed. The hydraulic "machine" that pumped water for Versailles was also demolished. Only the foundation of small château, the "Pavillon du Roi", remains at the top of the slope in Marly Park. Napoleon bought back the estate in 1807, and the park belongs to the state.

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